Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Pakistan Navy has announced the firing of test missiles from ships, submarines, and aircraft during operations in the Arabian Sea.
Pakistani officials said that the tests were a display of commitment to the protection of Pakistan and sent “a message of deterrence to anyone harbouring nefarious designs against Pakistan”. The statement, released shortly after the operation, also said that the tests were designed to measure the “lethality, precision and efficacy” of the weapons.
Pakistan’s Naval Chief, Admiral Noman Bashir, was a witness to the event, and said that he was pleased with the tests, saying that he was satisfied with the state of the Pakistani Navy. He also commended the performance of the Navy personnel involved with the tests.
The maneuvers included tests of newly acquired missiles of a Chinese design, and came just a month after India tested a missile of similar design to some of the Pakistani weapons. India’s test involved a missile capable of carrying nuclear weapons, although it was unclear if Pakistan’s test included weapons capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.