How To Get Your Coins Professionally Certified And Graded

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By Robert L Taylor, JD
Hobbies: Coin Collecting
How to Get Your Coins Professionally Certified and Graded
By Robert L Taylor, JD
As we have already learned, grading a coin yourself is great, but your result is always subject to scrutiny and question, no matter what your expertise. Even if you were a professional grader, the result would be the same. This is why the top professional certification and grading services PCGS, NGC, ICG and ANACS – have a policy of requiring three (3) professional graders determine the grade of each coin. Buying raw coins is fraught with problems such as coins that have been cleaned, scrubbed, altered and whizzed, etc. which will not qualify for, or have been rejected for the full certification and grading designation. The other benefits of professional grading relate to authenticity, reliability and protection. See article entitled 5 Reasons to Buy and Collect Certified and Graded Coins, which can be found at:
Dispite the cost and procedure of getting your coin slabbed by a professional certification (authenticity) and grading company, which inhibits and prevents many people from having it done, a professional grade is beneficial for many reasons, the primary of which is that it helps you sell your coin when you want to upgrade or liquidate. Upgrading ones collection is a constant process, and therefore involves selling a coin to buy another similar one in a higher grade. Collectors are constantly upgrading their collections, and this involves selling one coin in order to buy another of higher value and grade. Selling a coin is enhanced by having that coin professionally certified and graded, or commonly called slabbed. It is the reliability and certainty of this determination that makes the sale in most cases. Dwindling are the days when raw coins are sent through the mail on approval, only to have the coin returned as being unacceptable. Savvy buyers of high grade coin collections, look first for certainty and assurance of grade, preferably a professional grade. Collectors of street coins are rarely as concerned.
Another important reason for having your coins professionally certified and graded is an assessment of the value of your collection. It is always important to place a value on ones coin collection. If this valuation is solely based upon ones personal assessment, then the valuation is based on uncertainty and question. Raw coins have always been the stalwart of coin collections. However with the addition of the highly attractive internet sales venue, and desirability for certainty on grade, selling your coin has increased a hundred fold. One needs only provide a coin with a reliable grade, and put it on the Internet market for sale. A reliable grade is produced by one of the top four professional grading companies, and it adds value to your coin. Reliability is in the mind of the buyer. Your personal assessment is of little value to the discerning buyer.
Conquering this reliability barrier is not difficult. Two of the professional grading companies, PCGS ( and NGC (, normally require a minimum fee to join, which is often coupled with reimbursement and credit advantages to joining, but which usually only apply the first year. For longer term submissions, desired by most collectors, arrangements for non-fee memberships are available with ANACS and ICG. Just submit your order with no fee required. Order forms are available on line, by telephone, and email. These two companies seem to enjoy the most popular choices among buyers.
The most intriguing professional grader is NGC, which provides for membership privileges for existing members of the ANA (American Numismatist Association,( If you are a member of the ANA (, then you are eligible to use the grading services of the NGC with out having to join NGC first. The fee to join the ANA is less than the fee to join NGC, but the submission privileges are the same. One may request a Submission Kit/Package from NGC, or just go on line for an Order Form, which can be used, and filled out (also on line) and submitted after printing, with your coins. It is a simple and easy process. The only thing needed is the ANA member number, and clicking on the right box.
Using ANACS ( and ICG ( is easier. Call and order a submission kit, or go on line and print out a blank form, fill it in, and submit your coins using a credit card, money order or check. You will enclosed the form with the submission of your coins, and is everything is prepaid, including the return postage (usually registered mail). One benefit to using ANACS is that they routinely have specials on specific coins or groups of coins, for as low as $8-10 per coin for usually a minimum of 8-10 coins. This is perfect for most collectors. In fact, all of the top four will occasionally offer a special on multiple same-group coin submissions for grading. In almost every case, the cost of certification and grading is out weighed by the increase in amount received on sale. A professionally certified and graded coin is always worth more, in the market place, than the same coin raw.
There may be an extra charge for additional services, such as coin type, error, and variety designations. And, yes, you can send in a coin, at a premium cost (e.g.: $50/coin) and have it certified and graded in one week or less. Otherwise, attend a local major coin show, and representatives of one of these top four professional grading companies may be on hand, and will grade your coin immediately. Yes, also at a premium cost. Otherwise be content for it to take 4-6 weeks. Submitting to any other professional grading company is more risky, because their grading standards do not always confirm to the grading standards set by the ANA, and are often adjusted to fit company policy or philosophy. Avoid these companies.
Regardless of when and how you get your coins certified and graded, it is well worth the cost and effort that it brings in personal relief, more certainty of the value of your collection, and in higher sales prices for coins you sell to upgrade and liquidate – on line or in person.
Happy Collecting,
Robert L Taylor, JD
Copyright 2008, Robert L Taylor, JD
About the Author: Robert Taylor is a retired Lawyer, from Denver, CO, who has had a passion for collecting US coins. Wanting to share his Passion, he made available
The Perfect-Coin
Perfect Dollar Coins
, all Certified and Graded by NGC, PCGS, ICG and ANACS.
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