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How The Modern Church Can Do More In The Community

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byAlma Abell

It’s no secret that the church is important in society. Yes, even now. Perhaps especially now. Even secular publications – like the Huffington Post – agree that church involvement in the community is important in this day and age.

So, how can today’s churches meet today’s needs? Here are just a few ways you can take the church out onto the streets – and hopefully bring more people back to the church with you, afterward!

Meeting Individual and Community Needs

What will get people in the door of church – and, more importantly, make them aware of the unending love of Jesus Christ – is outreach that meets their needs. This means different things to different people and communities. In some larger cities, Catholic churches may welcome thousands of homeless into food pantries or clothing closets. In smaller communities, Baptist churches might reach out to parents with childcare programs. In all sizes of American towns, drug addiction, mental illness, and other issues can be addressed in group talk therapy sessions provided by the church. The important thing is that needs are being met – and people know that their local churches are the ones doing that provision.

Meeting Spiritual Needs

Of course, a church can make almost everyone happy and still not be doing what it needs to be doing as an instrument of God. What is most important is that the church is being used as a tool to bring the word of the Lord to His people.

There is an epidemic – described as such by Christianity Today – of Bible illiteracy in the modern world. What this means is that while many people attend church, relatively few actually understand what they are supposed to be studying there. Americans tend to sit back and let things be told to them, but the church needs to be pushing for a deeper understanding of Holy scripture, as well as a deeper personal connection with Christ. Only by doing both of these things can the church truly serve its purpose.

Is your congregation doing all that it can to reach others and bring them to the Lord? If not, make this year the year you resolve to do exactly that!

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