Growing Your Business To New Heights With A Sign In Orange County

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byAlma Abell
A great sign is one of the best branding tools that you can use for your business. Not only does it create the first impression that your potential customers have of your company, but it also works around the clock as a new customer acquisition tool. Thus, it’s vital that your business invests in attractive signage. Let’s take a look at three important ways that your business will benefit from having an eye-catching, attractive sign.
Increasing Visibility
Research shows that your business’ sign will be the way that a significant number of your customers find out about your company. The decreasing popularity of the Yellow Pages and the proliferation of small business competition makes having an attention-grabbing sign that much more important for your business. As your customers are bombarded with a plethora of advertisements on a daily basis, you can’t afford not to be seen, and having a well-designed sign will make sure that potential customers are able to find you.
Constant Exposure
As a local business, many of your customers will live somewhere nearby. Depending on where they work or where they choose to spend their time, this may mean that some of your customers will pass your sign two or more times per day each day of the month. This continuous exposure that a sign brings to your business will keep your brand at the forefront of your customers’ (and potential customers’) minds, making it easy for them to think of you first when they need something that you can offer them.
Impulse Shopping
Marketing statistics show that many people are prone to impulse shopping. This means that your signage has the potential to immediately prompt your customer to make a stop at your business even if they had not planned to do so at the time. Consequently, an attractive sign can bring you a significant return on investment as it encourages your customers to make impromptu buying decisions on a daily basis.
According to statistics from the Small Business Administration, a sign is both the most effective and the least expensive form of advertising for your company. In a nutshell, a great sign represents money well spent. You’ll want to make sure that your sign is unique, attractive, and promotes your brand in a professional manner. With the right sign company and a little creativity, a Sign in Orange County will help you grow your business to new heights.