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Ignacio Williams
Get Rid of Electrician CEU Stress Once and for All
With all the challenges of life, electrician CEU may seem to add to your stress. Let these helpful tidbits of student mirth relieve some of your tension.
Stress can be a real killer. And being stressed about electrician CEU can prove doubly so because there\’s no way to avoid it, if you want to keep your job. You need such training for electrician certification.
But now you can nip stress in the bud. Humor is your best defense against such agony. So, prepare to laugh away your blues. And every time in the future, just remember these moments of mirth to wash away your cares.
Students in Trouble
Have you ever failed an exam? Not a very pleasant feeling. Sometimes that feeling can bring us to our knees.
A young boy was crying in the Church after the service, \”Oh, God! Please make London the Capital of France!\”
The priest asked, \”Why would you pray for such a thing, my child?\”
The boy replied, \”That\’s what I wrote on my answer sheet for the exam!\”
Prayer can be powerful, but it\’s not likely to change the NEC code or the things you\’re supposed to learn in electrician training.
Students, take note:
Knowledge is power…
But power tends to corrupt…
And corruption is a crime…
And crime doesn\’t pay…
So, if you keep studying, you\’ll go broke!
Now, that logic is indeed troubling.
A Student with an Answer
It seems you\’ll find a wise acre in just about any group, including a classroom. But aren\’t you glad you can take electrical training online? You don\’t have to put up with such nonsense.
The teacher asked, \”Which is more important to us, the moon or the sun?\”
One student answered, \”The moon.\”
The teacher asked, \”Why?\”
The student replied, \”The moon gives us light at night when we need it, but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don\’t need it.\”
Would you want to hire this student as an electrical apprentice…? I didn\’t think so!
Teacher: \”What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?\”
Student: \”A teacher.\”
See what I mean?
The Apprentice
How does the saying go? Pride comes before a great fall?
A young man hired by a supermarket reported for his first day of work. The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, gave him a broom and said, \”Your first job will be to sweep the entire store.\”
\”But I\’m a college graduate,\” the young man replied indignantly.
\”Oh, I\’m sorry. I didn\’t know that,\” said the manager. \”Here, give me the broom…. I\’ll show you how.\”
Perhaps our college grad would like to know how to become an electrician. Online electrician training makes it easy.
I write articles for BlueVolt
electrical code classes
continuing education for electricians
journeyman electrician continuing education
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