Advice For Commercial Mortgage Loans Can Be Found Online With A Specialist

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Submitted by: Sean Horton
When looking for help and advice when it comes to commercial mortgage loans it might seem like you are banging your head against a wall. Advice can be costly if you know where to look to find it, if at all. However if you look online for help then you can find plenty of free advice. Plus an online specialist commercial mortgage broker will be able to find the best mortgage on your behalf.
There are many difference scenarios when it comes to a commercial mortgage. A specialist can help you if you are looking for a loan to buy new premises or to extend premises you are already running your business from. Usually financing can be taken from 1 to 30 years depending on the business and the size of the project that you plan on undertaking.
As a very rough guide the majority of lenders will allow you to borrow around 70% to 80% of the price of the property you are wishing to buy. This of course means that you will have to give some thought as to where you will get the remainder of the money. Of course you will have to meet certain criteria that the lender will set out and this can vary between lenders. Having an excellent credit rating is essential when wishing to take out any form of finance and commercial mortgage loans are no exception.
Of course they will also take into account your business and will expect that you are able to show it is stable and profitable. The majority of lenders will ask to see financial projections for the long term and a specialist will be able to work with you and put this together. There are many advantages to going with a broker to obtain commercial mortgage loans besides the information they give.
A broker is able to go over your proposal and validate it and recommend any changes that need to be made in order to get the individual the best deal. This can save a lot of time and get your loan off the ground more quickly than if you choose to look for a loan yourself. A specialist will be able to search the UK commercial lending market place to find you the perfect mortgage and the best deal. However the majority of the time through experience they will know the lender that will suit your circumstances and who they can negotiate with quickly.
A broker will know exactly where to look when it comes to the lenders and finding the best rates of interest. This is due to them having experience when it comes to commercial finance and will have worked with lenders that they have secured the cheapest deals with in the past. A lender is more likely to work quickly with a broker than they would with an individual as the broker will send a lot of individuals their way. There are lenders who specialise in offering certain types of commercial mortgage loans and the broker will match these with the circumstances of the individual.
About the Author: Sean Horton is a Director of Enhanced Wealth, a whole of market mortgage broker and IFA specializing in mortgage advice and the associated areas of income protection, mortgage protection, mortgage life cover and
commercial mortgage loans
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